Exercise: Types of Adverbs

Tutorial: Exercises on Types of Adverbs

Exercise 1: Identifying Types of Adverbs

Identify the type of adverb in each sentence. The options are: adverb of manner, adverb of place, adverb of time, adverb of frequency, or adverb of degree.

  1. The sun shines brightly. ______
  2. She visits her grandparents frequently. ______
  3. He works in the office daily. ______
  4. She meticulously arranged the flowers in the vase. ______
  5. They live nearby. ______

Exercise 2: Filling in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate adverb. Choose from the list of adverbs below:

Barely, outside, rarely, briskly, often.

  1. The athlete __________ jogs in the morning.
  2. She is __________ seen at social events.
  3. The dog waits __________ to play ball.
  4. They __________ woke up in time for the flight.
  5. We __________ go to the theatre to watch plays.

Exercise 3: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentences.

  1. The flowers bloom ________ in the garden.
    • a) Quickly
    • b) Never
    • c) Less
  2. He ________ gives up on his dreams.
    • a) Often
    • b) Rarely
    • c) Here
  3. She sings ________ in the choir.
    • a) Loudly
    • b) Always
    • c) Now

Answer Key

Answers for Exercise 1: Identifying Types of Adverbs

  1. Brightly – Adverb of manner
  2. Frequently – Adverb of frequency
  3. Daily – Adverb of time
  4. Meticulously – Adverb of manner
  5. Nearby – Adverb of place

Answers for Exercise 2: Filling in the Blanks

  1. The athlete briskly jogs in the morning.
  2. She is rarely seen at social events.
  3. The dog waits outside to play ball.
  4. They barely woke up in time for the flight.
  5. We often go to the theatre to watch plays.

Answers for Exercise 3: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. a) Quickly
  2. b) Rarely
  3. a) Loudly

This concludes the exercise tutorial on types of adverbs. Keep practicing every day to consolidate your understanding of adverbs and their proper usage in sentences. Keep growing your grammar skills!