Phrasal Verbs (Sentence examples: give away – go without)

  • Give away: They decided to give away all the old clothes they don’t use anymore to people in need.
  • Go without: It has been a rough winter; many families in the town had to go without heat.
  • Break out: Fire broke out in the middle of the night in the dilapidated house.
  • Call off: They had to call off the meeting due to adverse weather conditions.
  • Check in: We will check in at the hotel and then explore the city.
  • Draw up: The lawyer said she would draw up the contract by the end of the week.
  • Fall apart: After the news of his father's death, he just fell apart and stopped going to work.
  • Hang out: The boys like to hang out at the park and play soccer in their free time.
  • Keep on: Keep on stirring the sauce until it thickens.
  • Look over: The doctor asked the nurse to look over the patient’s medical records.
  • Move in: They decided to move in together after dating for a year.
  • Pull out: The car had to pull out quickly to avoid hitting the dog.
  • Roll in: The clouds began to roll in; it looked like a storm was coming.
  • Show up: Even though he was sick, John showed up for work.
  • Turn off: You should turn off the lights when you leave the room to save electricity.
  • Watch out: Watch out for the icy patch on the sidewalk.
  • Drop out: After the first semester, she decided to drop out and start working instead.
  • Hold on: Judy asked her friend to hold on while she tied her shoelaces.
  • Get along: It is important for colleagues to get along to maintain a positive work environment.
  • Pick up: Please pick up your toys when you finish playing with them.
  • Run out: We must buy groceries today; we have run out of bread and milk.
  • Speak up: If you have a problem, you need to speak up and make it known.
  • Throw away: Do not throw away plastic in the general waste; it should be recycled.
  • Wake up: The alarm didn't wake me up this morning since it was set on silent mode.
  • Zip up: Zip up your jacket, it's very cold outside.
  • Break up: She decided to break up with him after he lied to her.
  • Come around: He was initially against the idea, but ultimately came around.
  • Find out: They did some research to find out more about the topic.
  • Put down: Please put down the glass carefully, it's very delicate.
  • Set up: We need to set up the tables before the guests arrive.
  • Take off: The plane is expected to take off in fifteen minutes.
  • Bring up: She didn't want to bring up her financial problems during the conversation.
  • Drive away: I saw a scarecrow driving away the birds from the crop.
  • Jump in: They couldn't resist the clear blue water, so they jumped in right away.
  • Sit down: The teacher asked the students to sit down and start their test.
  • Turn on: She turned on the radio to listen to her favourite channel.
  • Work out: Exercise regularly to work out and stay fit.
  • Ask for: Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.
  • Cut off: The government had to cut off electricity due to the power shortage.
  • Hand over: The thief was forced to hand over everything he stole.
  • Look after: His grandparents are going to look after him while his parents are away.
  • Pass on: She decided to pass on the opportunity and wait for something better.
  • Rise up: The people decided to rise up against the oppressive government.
  • Switch off: He switched off the TV and went to bed early.
  • Tie up: She tied up her hair because it was too hot outside.
  • Write down: You should write down the important points during the lecture.